National Healthcare Decisions Day

Virtual Event Virtual Event

In honor of National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, we want to celebrate the reasons WHY you decided to have ‘the conversation’ about your advance care plan. Advance care […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

*VIRTUAL* Take Charge! Advance Care Planning Tips

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Get the health care you want based on what matters most. This webinar will discuss how to talk about your wishes for care with the important people in your life, […]

*虚拟的*负责任! 预先护理计划提示

根据最重要的事情,获得你想要的医疗保健服务。 本网络研讨会将讨论如何与你生命中的重要人物谈论你的护理愿望,并涵盖在你无法做出健康护理决定时如何选择某人为你做出健康护理决定。 该网络研讨会还将介绍如何使用预先医疗护理指令和维持生命治疗的医嘱写下你的愿望。

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

Life is a Cabaret

The Mission Hospice Auxiliary invites you to a night of comedy and cabaret on Saturday, April 29, 2023. Don’t miss this hilarious evening of laughs, songs, dinner, and dancing at […]


Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

Art for Healing

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This free monthly expressive arts support group (2nd Thursday of the month, May - October) offers adults and mature teens a creative outlet for expressing grief. No art experience necessary. […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

*VIRTUAL* New to Grief workshop

Virtual Event Virtual Event

When someone experiences a loss, their grief can overwhelm them with strong and conflicting emotions. Some may feel drowned in sorrow, while others feel numb and removed from daily life. […]

Art for Healing

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This free monthly expressive arts support group (2nd Thursday of the month, May - October) offers adults and mature teens a creative outlet for expressing grief. No art experience necessary. […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

Círculo de tambores para el duelo

Un círculo de tambores nos invita a encontrar la plenitud en nuestro camino de duelo a través de una experiencia creativa y musical. El duelo vive en el cuerpo, y […]

Vòng tròn trống cho đau buồn

Vòng tròn đánh trống mời gọi chúng ta tìm thấy sự trọn vẹn trong hành trình đau buồn của mình thông qua trải nghiệm âm nhạc sáng tạo. Nỗi đau […]


打鼓圈邀请我们通过创造性的音乐体验,在我们的悲伤旅程中找到整体性。 悲伤住在身体里,而打鼓可以释放压力,为悲伤提供一个治疗的出口。 由特别嘉宾Jeni Swerdlow带领,她是Drummm Rhythmic Events的创始人,也是经认证的乡村音乐圈全球培训师、注册艺术治疗师、REMO-Endorsed Drum Circle Facilitator,以及经过培训的HealthRHYTHMS和Rhythm2Recovery Facilitator。 不需要任何经验。 将提供大鼓。 空间是有限的。 这个项目是免费的,但需要提前登记。 这是一个户外活动,所以我们鼓励你穿上可以移动的衣服。参加者应提前10-15分钟到达,因为打鼓将在下午2:30准时开始。 有问题吗? 请联系Christine Kovach,电话:650-532-2390或。

Pride Month Film Screening & Discussion: “Before You Know It”

Sky Cafe 223 Grand Ave, South San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for a film screening and discussion in honor of Pride Month! Complimentary light appetizers provided. Dinner and drinks available for purchase -- support our host restaurant by arriving […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Event Series New Volunteer Training Session

New Volunteer Training Session

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Our February and March training sessions (Saturdays, February 18-March 11, 9:30am-3pm, and Thursdays, February 23 and March 9, 6:30-8:30pm) will prepare you for being a Direct Care volunteer for our […]

Art for Healing

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This free monthly expressive arts support group (2nd Thursday of the month, May - October) offers adults and mature teens a creative outlet for expressing grief. No art experience necessary. […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Hope and Healing Grief Series: Anticipatory Grief

Virtual Event Virtual Event

We don’t only experience grief after a loss—we often experience it before. If someone we love is seriously ill, or if we’re concerned about upcoming hardships of any kind, we […]

Event Series Hope Books for the Grief Journey Series

Art for Healing

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This free monthly expressive arts support group (2nd Thursday of the month, May - October) offers adults and mature teens a creative outlet for expressing grief. No art experience necessary. […]

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Peninsula Office

66 Bovet Road, Suite 100
San Mateo, CA 94402