1/2 Day Meditation Retreat: Navigating Grief

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Whether you are an experienced meditator, or brand new to this experience, please feel welcome to join us for a morning of contemplation and practice, led by experienced meditation leader, […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Grief Book Club

Grief is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter To register, email knitze@missionhospice.org

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

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Peninsula Office

66 Bovet Road, Suite 100
San Mateo, CA 94402