Event Series *VIRTUAL* Spouse/Partner Loss Support Group

*VIRTUAL* Spouse/Partner Loss Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This free *virtual* eight-week support group for adults (Tuesdays, Sept. 28 – Nov. 16, 11am-12:30pm) offers a safe, supportive place to share your thoughts and feelings with others who have experienced the loss of a spouse/partner. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients and all bereaved individuals living in the the […]

*VIRTUAL* New to grief workshop

Virtual Event Virtual Event

An introduction to grief, this free workshop will offer an overview of what to expect in the grief process, including tips for proactive coping. Facilitated by Christine Kovach, LCSW, Bereavement Counselor. To learn more, contact Christine Kovach at ckovach@MissionHospice.org or 650.532.2390. ***** To keep our community safe, our events are now being held online. Please […]

*VIRTUAL* Workshop: The Many Griefs of COVID

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Due to COVID, our losses are vast: loved ones and our lives with them, face-to-face connection, how we live and work and go to school. The list drags on. With the pandemic as a lens, we will lightly touch our felt sense of these griefs. We can harvest useful skills from this to support those […]


全国兄弟姐妹日对失去亲人的兄弟姐妹来说可能是一个挑战。 你没有被遗忘。 我们邀请您与其他失去亲人的兄弟姐妹联系,分享您对兄弟姐妹的回忆,并反思您的悲痛。 想了解更多,请联系Christine Kovach,电话:650.554.1000。

*VIRTUAL* National Sibling Day: Sibling Loss Gathering

Virtual Event Virtual Event

National Sibling Day can be challenging for bereaved siblings. You are not forgotten. We invite you to connect with other bereaved siblings, share your memories of your siblings, and reflect on your grief. To learn more, contact Christine Kovach at 650.554.1000.

*ẢO* Ngày anh chị em quốc gia: Gặp mặt anh chị em mất mát

Ngày anh chị em quốc gia có thể là một thách thức đối với anh chị em tang quyến. Bạn không được quên. Chúng tôi mời bạn kết nối với những anh chị em đã mất khác, chia sẻ những kỷ niệm của bạn về anh chị em của mình và suy ngẫm về nỗi […]

*Día Nacional de los Hermanos: Reunión sobre la pérdida de hermanos

El Día Nacional de los Hermanos puede ser un reto para los hermanos en duelo. No te olvidamos. Te invitamos a ponerte en contacto con otros hermanos en duelo, compartir tus recuerdos de tus hermanos y reflexionar sobre tu dolor. Para más información, contacte con Christine Kovach en el 650.554.1000.

*ẢO* Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn

Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn hàng tháng *ảo* miễn phí này (thứ Hai thứ 4 của tháng, ngày 24 tháng 1 - ngày 27 tháng 6, 6-7:30 tối) dành cho những người thích đọc và thảo luận về cách các câu chuyện liên quan đến trải nghiệm đau buồn của chính họ. […]

*Club de lectura de apoyo al duelo *VIRTUAL

Este club de lectura mensual *virtual* gratuito de apoyo al duelo (4º lunes de cada mes, del 24 de enero al 27 de junio, de 18:00 a 19:30) está dirigido a quienes les gusta leer y debatir sobre cómo las historias se relacionan con su propia experiencia de duelo. Póngase en contacto con la facilitadora […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度悲伤支持读书会(每月第四个星期一,1月24日至6月27日,晚上6-7点半)是为那些喜欢阅读和讨论故事与他们自己的悲伤经历有关的人而设。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。


这个免费的*虚拟*月度悲伤支持读书会(每月第四个星期一,1月24日至6月27日,晚上6-7点半)是为那些喜欢阅读和讨论故事与他们自己的悲伤经历有关的人而设。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*Club de lectura de apoyo al duelo *VIRTUAL

Este club de lectura mensual *virtual* gratuito de apoyo al duelo (4º lunes de cada mes, del 24 de enero al 22 de agosto, de 18:00 a 19:30) está dirigido a quienes les gusta leer y debatir sobre cómo las historias se relacionan con su propia experiencia de duelo. Póngase en contacto con la facilitadora […]

*ẢO* Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn

Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn hàng tháng *ảo* miễn phí này (thứ Hai thứ 4 của tháng, ngày 24 tháng 1 - ngày 22 tháng 8, 6-7:30 tối) dành cho những người thích đọc và thảo luận về cách các câu chuyện liên quan đến trải nghiệm đau buồn của chính họ. […]

*Club de lectura de apoyo al duelo *VIRTUAL

Este club de lectura mensual *virtual* gratuito de apoyo al duelo (4º lunes de cada mes, del 24 de enero al 27 de junio, de 18:00 a 19:30) está dirigido a quienes les gusta leer y debatir sobre cómo las historias se relacionan con su propia experiencia de duelo. Póngase en contacto con la facilitadora […]

Event Series *VIRTUAL* Grief Support Book Club

*VIRTUAL* Grief Support Book Club

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This free *virtual* monthly grief support book club (4th Monday of the month, January 24 - June 27, 6-7:30pm) is for those who like to read and discuss how stories relate to their own grief experience. Please contact facilitator Christine Kovach, LCSW by email for more information and to sign up for the group.


这个免费的*虚拟*月度悲伤支持读书会(每月第四个星期一,1月24日至8月22日,晚上6-7点半)是为那些喜欢阅读和讨论故事与他们自己的悲伤经历有关的人而设。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*ẢO* Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn

Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn hàng tháng *ảo* miễn phí này (thứ Hai thứ 4 của tháng, ngày 24 tháng 1 - ngày 27 tháng 6, 6-7:30 tối) dành cho những người thích đọc và thảo luận về cách các câu chuyện liên quan đến trải nghiệm đau buồn của chính họ. […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]

*VIRTUAL* Art for Healing through Grief Series

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This free *virtual* monthly expressive arts support group (2nd Thursday of the month, May 12 - October 13, 2022) offers adults and mature teens a creative outlet for expressing grief. No art experience necessary; art materials will be provided by mail if needed. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients in […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo [waitlist]

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度悲伤支持读书会(每月第四个星期一,1月24日至8月22日,晚上6-7点半)是为那些喜欢阅读和讨论故事与他们自己的悲伤经历有关的人而设。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

Event Series *VIRTUAL* Grief Support Book Club

*VIRTUAL* Grief Support Book Club

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This free *virtual* monthly grief support book club (4th Monday of the month, January 24 - August 22, 6-7:30pm) is for those who like to read and discuss how stories relate to their own grief experience. Please contact facilitator Christine Kovach, LCSW by email for more information and to sign up for the group.

*ẢO* Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn

Câu lạc bộ sách hỗ trợ đau buồn hàng tháng *ảo* miễn phí này (thứ Hai thứ 4 của tháng, ngày 24 tháng 1 - ngày 22 tháng 8, 6-7:30 tối) dành cho những người thích đọc và thảo luận về cách các câu chuyện liên quan đến trải nghiệm đau buồn của chính họ. […]

*Club de lectura de apoyo al duelo *VIRTUAL

Este club de lectura mensual *virtual* gratuito de apoyo al duelo (4º lunes de cada mes, del 24 de enero al 22 de agosto, de 18:00 a 19:30) está dirigido a quienes les gusta leer y debatir sobre cómo las historias se relacionan con su propia experiencia de duelo. Póngase en contacto con la facilitadora […]

*VIRTUAL* Writing through Loss Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This free *virtual* eight-week support group (Wednesdays, July 6 - August 24, 6-7:30pm) is for adults grieving the loss of a loved one. Explore how creative writing can help you express where you've been with your grief, and where you're going. No writing experience necessary. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo [waitlist]

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo [waitlist]

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]

*VIRTUAL* Drop-in Support Group for Spouse/Partner Loss – 2nd/4th Saturday Mornings

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This biweekly *virtual* drop-in Bereavement Support Group focused on spouse/partner loss is offered by video/phone, free of charge. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients, and to all bereaved individuals living in Mission Hospice’s geographical service area. Please contact Christine Kovach, LCSW by email for more information.

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo [waitlist]

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo [waitlist]

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo [waitlist]

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y adolescentes maduros una salida creativa para expresar el duelo. No es necesario tener experiencia artística; los materiales de arte se proporcionarán por correo en caso […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*VIRTUAL* Solo Parenting after the Death of a Spouse/Partner

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Solo parenting after the loss of a spouse/partner is especially challenging. This free *virtual* eight-week support group (Wednesdays, September 14 – November 2, 5:30-7pm) offers a safe, supportive place to share your thoughts and feelings with others who have experienced a similar loss. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients, and […]

SoulCollage for the Grieving Heart, with guest facilitator Robin Modlin

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Robin Modlin, MA is an artist, SoulCollage® facilitator and creator of participatory healing arts projects. She was awarded the 2004 Society for the Arts in Healthcare Blair Sadler award for “Prayer Flags for Sophia” and has organized flag projects at Ronald McDonald House and LPCH. These simple community based projects involve the whole family to […]

*VIRTUAL* Grief & Stuff Workshop – Organizing belongings after loss

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This workshop is designed for people who struggle with getting rid of their loved ones’ belongings. We will explore our emotional attachments to stuff and practical steps to letting go. Please contact Christine Kovach, LCSW by email for more information.  

*VIRTUAL* Resilience in Grief: From surviving to thriving

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This free *virtual* six-week support group (Tuesdays, February 14 – March 21, 2-4pm) is for adults who are at least six months past the death of a loved one. It will teach core skills for developing and strengthening resilience using lecture, handouts, exercises, and discussion in a supportive environment. The skills to be taught include […]

Event Series *VIRTUAL* Parent Loss Support Group

*VIRTUAL* Parent Loss Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Whether you had a close relationship or were experiencing challenges with your parent(s), their death may be a significant transition. This free *virtual* eight-week support group (Wednesdays, March 1 - April 19, 5:30-7pm) offers a safe, supportive place to share your thoughts and feelings with others who have experienced a similar loss. This group is […]

*VIRTUAL* New to Grief workshop

Virtual Event Virtual Event

When someone experiences a loss, their grief can overwhelm them with strong and conflicting emotions. Some may feel drowned in sorrow, while others feel numb and removed from daily life. Grief can make it difficult to carry on with day-to-day tasks or relate to others. While many think of grief only over the death of […]


打鼓圈邀请我们通过创造性的音乐体验,在我们的悲伤旅程中找到整体性。 悲伤住在身体里,而打鼓可以释放压力,为悲伤提供一个治疗的出口。 由特别嘉宾Jeni Swerdlow带领,她是Drummm Rhythmic Events的创始人,也是经认证的乡村音乐圈全球培训师、注册艺术治疗师、REMO-Endorsed Drum Circle Facilitator,以及经过培训的HealthRHYTHMS和Rhythm2Recovery Facilitator。 不需要任何经验。 将提供大鼓。 空间是有限的。 这个项目是免费的,但需要提前登记。 这是一个户外活动,所以我们鼓励你穿上可以移动的衣服。参加者应提前10-15分钟到达,因为打鼓将在下午2:30准时开始。 有问题吗? 请联系Christine Kovach,电话:650-532-2390或ckovach@missionhospice.org。

Vòng tròn trống cho đau buồn

Vòng tròn đánh trống mời gọi chúng ta tìm thấy sự trọn vẹn trong hành trình đau buồn của mình thông qua trải nghiệm âm nhạc sáng tạo. Nỗi đau buồn tồn tại trong cơ thể, và việc đánh trống có thể giải tỏa căng thẳng, mang đến một lối thoát cho sự đau buồn. […]

Círculo de tambores para el duelo

Un círculo de tambores nos invita a encontrar la plenitud en nuestro camino de duelo a través de una experiencia creativa y musical. El duelo vive en el cuerpo, y tocar el tambor puede liberar tensiones, ofreciendo una salida curativa al dolor. Dirigido por la invitada especial Jeni Swerdlow, fundadora de Drummm Rhythmic Events y […]

*VIRTUAL* Hope and Healing Grief Series: Anticipatory Grief

Virtual Event Virtual Event

We don’t only experience grief after a loss—we often experience it before. If someone we love is seriously ill, or if we’re concerned about upcoming hardships of any kind, we naturally begin to grieve right now. This process of anticipatory grief is normal, but it can also be confusing and painful. This compassionate workshop will […]

*VIRTUAL* Hope and Healing Grief Series: Guilt of Grief

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Guilt and regret are two of the most common feelings in grief. The finality of death allows no more time for apologizing or making amends. There’s no longer room for second chances. And so for many grievers it’s normal to ponder “if-onlys” and experience the pain of mistakes made and opportunities missed. Shining the healing […]

*VIRTUAL* Supporting Children through Loss

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Children react differently to grief, crisis, and trauma depending on their age and development. In addition, as they develop, children will re-experience the death of loved ones in new ways and reintegrate the relationship that has been lost. Children and teens who have experienced the death of someone significant in their lives deserve the opportunity […]

*VIRTUAL* Hope and Healing Grief Series: Anger of Grief

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Anger in grief is natural. It’s normal to feel anger and other explosive emotions such as hate, blame, terror, resentment, rage, and jealousy after the death of someone you love or another significant life loss. Yet it’s challenging to experience these feelings day after day. And it can be hard knowing what to do about […]

Event Series Art for Healing Series

Art for Healing

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This free monthly expressive arts support group (2nd Thursday of the month, May - October) offers adults and mature teens a creative outlet for expressing grief. No art experience necessary. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients in California and all bereaved individuals living in the the San Mateo and Santa […]

*HYBRID* Intro to Mindfulness for Caregivers and Bereaved

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This hybrid (in-person and virtual) introduction to mindfulness session is tailored to caregivers and bereaved and is offered by Mission Hospice volunteer and mindfulness meditation teacher, Will Holsinger.  To attend in person, gather with us at 66 Bovet Road, San Mateo. Otherwise, join us at 6pm via zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85116014318?pwd=NGgzalcyd3F2dTByamtUWUxkVk1TZz09 Please contact Christine Kovach, LCSW by […]

Calling in the Ancestors: Soul Collage

Avenidas 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto, United States

This workshop is in honor of our ancestor “guides”, and in memory of loved ones more recently lost. No art experience necessary, only a willingness to explore with an intuitive collage process. Led by Chistine Kovach, LCSW, Bereavement Services Manager at Mission Hospice. Supplies will be provided. Adults of any age are welcome. Advance registration […]

*VIRTUAL* Grief During the Holidays Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This free *virtual* eight-week support group (Wednesday evenings, November 15, 2023 - January 3, 2024) will help grieving adults manage the holiday season. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients and all bereaved individuals living in the the San Francisco Peninsula and South Bay. Please contact Christine Kovach, LCSW by email […]

InterPlay Forms (Movement, Storytelling, Voice, and Stillness) for Processing Grief – For Caregivers and Bereaved

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

----- LIMITED SPACE, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. WE WILL HAVE A WAITLIST SHOULD THE WORKSHOP FILL UP. ONLY THOSE WHO ARE REGISTERED ARE ABLE TO ATTEND. WAITLIST WILL BE CONTACTED SHOULD SPACE BECOME AVALIABLE.----- InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body. It uses forms associated with the arts—movement, storytelling, voice, […]

*VIRTUAL* Drop-in Support Group – Tuesday Evenings

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This weekly *virtual* drop-in Bereavement Support Group is offered by video/phone, free of charge. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients, and to all bereaved individuals living in Mission Hospice’s geographical service area. Please contact facilitator Christine Kovach, LCSW by email for more information.

Drop-in Support Group: Adapting to Loss

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This *in-person* drop-in Bereavement Support Group (first and third Tuesdays) is geared towards those in the first 1-2 years of grief and is offered free of charge. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients, and to all bereaved individuals living in Mission Hospice’s geographical service area. Please contact facilitator Christine Kovach, […]

*VIRTUAL* Drop-in Support Group – 1st/3rd/5th Saturday Mornings

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This biweekly *virtual* drop-in Bereavement Support Group is offered by video/phone, free of charge. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients, and to all bereaved individuals living in Mission Hospice’s geographical service area.  Please contact Christine Kovach, LCSW by email for more information.

Understanding and Coping with Grief 了解和面對哀傷

Virtual Event Virtual Event

失去是人生裡頭每個人都無法避免的事情。哀傷是失去後的自然反應,但每個人的哀傷都可以不一樣。 我們真正了解什麼是哀傷嗎?我們又應該如何面對和調理哀傷?這個講座將會帶領大家了解哀傷和講解面對哀傷的健康方式。

*VIRTUAL* Drop-in Support Group for Spouse/Partner Loss – 2nd/4th Saturday Mornings

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This biweekly *virtual* drop-in Bereavement Support Group focused on spouse/partner loss is offered by video/phone, free of charge. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients, and to all bereaved individuals living in Mission Hospice’s geographical service area. Please contact Christine Kovach, LCSW by email for more information.

Drop-in Support Group: Adapting to Loss

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

This *in-person* drop-in Bereavement Support Group (first and third Tuesdays) is geared towards those in the first 1-2 years of grief and is offered free of charge. This group is open to family members of Mission Hospice patients, and to all bereaved individuals living in Mission Hospice’s geographical service area. Please contact facilitator Christine Kovach, […]

Understanding and Coping with Grief 了解和面對哀傷

Virtual Event Virtual Event

失去是人生裡頭每個人都無法避免的事情。哀傷是失去後的自然反應,但每個人的哀傷都可以不一樣。 我們真正了解什麼是哀傷嗎?我們又應該如何面對和調理哀傷?這個講座將會帶領大家了解哀傷和講解面對哀傷的健康方式。

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Peninsula Office

66 Bovet Road, Suite 100
San Mateo, CA 94402

South Bay Office

1688 Willow Street, Suite A-2
San Jose, CA 95125